Bereavement Groups
for children and their families

Bereavement Groups

  • Littles

    6-9 years old

    We use concrete, clear and simple language to talk about death with children this age to help them understand that their person has died. We also check in with the children’s emotions through play and physical activity.

  • Middles

    10-12 years old

    This age group has a more developed understanding of death and asks a lot of questions. We use creative play and the arts to talk about grief, and explore different ways to cope with loss.

  • Teens

    13-18 years old

    Teenagers benefit from being in a group because they get to talk about what has happened with other teens, rather than feeling like they are the only ones to experience a death. Journaling, thoughtful writing prompts, and peer discussions are some of the techniques we use with this group to help them process questions of what it means to live in a way that honors the person who died.

  • Caregivers

    We work with caregivers to support them in their loss while they navigate caring for grieving children. It is a wonderful space to bring grieving adults together while those they care for receive their own support.

Ask us about trainings for helping professionals

We can provide experiential educational training for school personnel, faith communities, and other helping professionals. Professional development topics include an overview of grief and fundamentals of counseling, as well as relationship-specific loss (death of a sibling, death of a child, death of a parent, and death of a spouse/partner).